When you own a daycare, you do everything you can to protect your kids. Most daycare owners wouldn’t think about using physical punishment or abusing the children in their charge. However, it’s important to protect your business and your reputation with the right insurance coverage. Learn more about corporeal punishment insurance and abuse and molestation insurance to cover the legal costs of these charges.
What Is Corporal Punishment?
Corporal punishment insurance covers you against false charges of intentionally using physical force against a child. It includes the following actions:
- Spanking, slapping, jabbing, shoving, or choking.
- Putting a child in a painful position that’s hard to hold.
- Denying bathroom privileges.
- Confining a child in a small cramped space.
- Forcing a child to eat inedible substances such as dog food or soap.
- Withholding food and water.
Corporal Punishment Insurance
Corporal punishment has severe psychological and emotional consequences such as impairing a child’s confidence and causing them humiliation and embarrassment. If you or an employee engage in these activities, it can fuel a sense of worthlessness, resentment and anger in a child that can last for many years.
However, if you’ve been falsely accused, it’s important to protect your reputation and business with the right corporal punishment insurance coverage. When you face a lawsuit that involves harming a child psychologically or physically, it can pay for legal costs or a judgement against you.
What Is Sexual Abuse and Molestation?
You would like to think that you can trust everyone who works for you. No matter how carefully you vet your employees, it’s impossible to know everything that’s in someone’s mind or heart. If an employee touches a child inappropriately or sexually abuses a child under your care, the proper insurance coverage can protect you from liability.
These types of claims not only ruin your reputation but also cost you thousands of dollars in court and legal fees. Abuse and molestation liability insurance covers these fees so that your business can stay afloat.
Home daycares run solely by the owner face particular vulnerabilities. It’s hard to prove that you didn’t do the things you are accused of if no one else is present. This is one of the reasons why it’s a good idea to have at least one other caregiver available at all times.
Abuse and Molestation Insurance?
Any organization that cares for children or those with developmental disabilities can benefit from sexual abuse and molestation insurance. Children and those with mental disabilities often perceive reality uniquely. With abuse and molestation insurance, you can protect your business operations while you work to clear your name and reputation.
Without insurance coverage, your business could face thousands of dollars in legal fees, Not including any settlement or judgement against you.
Read Your Policy Carefully
Read your insurance policy carefully, so you understand what’s covered and what’s not. This goes for both corporal punishment insurance and abuse and molestation insurance. Ask questions when you sign up for an insurance policy and at any time you feel you need more details.
Contact us today for a free quote and to learn more about the types of insurance that can protect your daycare business.